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The Peak of Murder at Auschwitz: 80th Anniversary of the Deportations of Jews from Hungary

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The Peak of Murder at Auschwitz: 80th Anniversary of the Deportations of Jews from Hungary

Join the Johannesburg Holocaust & Genocide Centre for a webinar with Paweł Sawicki from the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum

The Peak of Murder at Auschwitz: 80th Anniversary of the Deportations of Jews from Hungary


This webinar will explore how during eight weeks of 1944, some 420,000 Jews from Hungary – men, women, and children – were deported to Auschwitz. The estimation is that 75 percent of them were murdered in gas chambers immediately after arrival selections. This means that the daily average number of victims was close to 6,000. This was the largest killing operation conducted by Nazi Germany at Auschwitz. The presentation will focus on the unique set of photographs that the perpetrators took to document the logistics of this horrifying action.

Paweł Sawicki is a press officer at educator at the Auschwitz Memorial.  He is responsible for the social media activity of the Memorial that is followed on different platforms by over 2 million people. He is also the editor-in-chief of the monthly online magazine Memoria & coordinator of the “Auschwitz. Not far away. Not long ago” exhibition project on behalf of the Museum. He co-authors of the “On Auschwitz” podcast and  authored the photo album “Auschwitz-Birkenau. The place where you are standing…” that compares 1944 images from Auschwitz II-Birkenau with the authentic site of the Memorial today. A photographer and a former radio journalist. For several years in Polish Radio 2 he authored a documentary feature series “Auschwitz – between crime and sanctity” that used the audio testimonies from the Auschwitz Memorial Archives.

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