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Restoring Roots: Reclaiming Polish, Lithuanian and German Citizenship with Eva Hussain

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Restoring Roots: Reclaiming Polish, Lithuanian and German Citizenship with Eva Hussain

Eastern Europe once had one of the world’s largest Jewish communities, now among the smallest. Its history reflects vibrant pre-war life, the devastation of war, post-war antisemitism, and emigration. Since the 1970s, descendants have returned, seeking traces of this lost world. This trend grew as Eastern European nations joined the EU, spurring interest in reclaiming citizenship. In this session, Eva Hussain, CEO of Polaron, will discuss helping people reclaim Polish, German or Lithuanian citizenship, shedding light on the emotional and legal aspects of reconnecting with ancestral lands. Join us for a thought-provoking conversation on heritage, identity, and citizenship in Eastern Europe.

Eva Hussain, founder of Polaron, is an expert in language services and European citizenship. She actively contributes to the company’s global growth and serves on several boards, including Creativity Australia and the Association of Polish Jews.  InMarch 2022, Eva was appointed Honorary Consul General of Austria in Victoria. A recipient of multiple business and equity awards, her experience as a Polish refugee drives her passion for community work and the translation industry.

5 September at 18:00

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