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Opening of Chayela Rosenthal: Wunderkind of the Vilna Ghetto Theatre

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Opening of Chayela Rosenthal: Wunderkind of the Vilna Ghetto Theatre

Opening of Chayela Rosenthal: Wunderkind of the Vilna Ghetto Theatre accompanied by a film screening of The Paper Brigade. Members only walkabout at 5pm, Opening and film screening at 6 for 6:30pm.

Please join us for the opening of Chayela Rosenthal: Wunderkind of the Vilna Ghetto Theatre, which focuses on Chayela Rosenthal, a remarkable talented performer who was one of the few survivors of the Vilna Ghetto. Known as the “Wunderkind of the Vilna Ghetto,” Chayela survived the labour and concentration camps and a death march to the Baltic Sea. After liberation, she joined the State Yiddish Theatre and gained recognition, eventually performing in major European capitals and settling in Cape Town.

The opening will be accompanied by a film screening of The Paper Brigade, an award-winning Belgian documentary which tells the moving story of the resistance group “The Paper Brigade”, a group of Jewish writers, scholars, and librarians who desperately tried to rescue Jewish cultural treasures in Vilnius during the Nazi occupation.

RSVP for the walkabout or become a member at dowi@jhbholocaust.co.za

RSVP for the opening to pretoria@diplobel.fed.be