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Nation Takes Action: Commemorating the 80th Anniversary of the Rescue of the Jews in Denmark During the Holocaust

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Nation Takes Action: Commemorating the 80th Anniversary of the Rescue of the Jews in Denmark During the Holocaust

We are honoured to have the Ambassador of Denmark, H.E. Thomas Winkler to open this special commemoration programme about a most incredible act of rescue. Almost all of the seven thousand Jews living in Nazi occupied Denmark, managed to escape the Holocaust. What made Denmark the exception to the systemised horror? Bo Lidegaard, a historian who has researched the subject, presents a new explanation of the rescue based on more than ten years of historical research. Dr. Judith Goldstein, Founder and Executive Director Emeritus of ”Humanity in Action”,will introduce us to the work of the non-profit organisation, including the production of the animated documentary ”Voices in the Void”, which is part of the film series Traces: Portraits of Resistance, Survival and Resolve. We will have the opportunity to see a screening of the film during the programme. Afterwards, Rabbi Jair Melchior, Chief Rabbi of Denmark, will share the story of his grandfather, Rabbi Bent Melchior z’l, who was rescued on one of the boats to Sweden, and enlighten us about Denmark and the Danish society today, in relation to the moral lessons and insights gained by learning about this unique example of rescue during the Holocaust.

This programme is in partnership with the Embassy of Denmark in Tel Aviv, Humanity in Action, the Danish Jewish Museum, the Johannesburg Holocaust & Genocide Centre, Classrooms without Borders, and the Rabin Chair Forum at George Washington University.

Register Here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUrduyrrDgsG9enoLgn2AxpwcpxWowsNJcQ