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Museums and Memorials with Dr Mirjam Zadoff

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Museums and Memorials with Dr Mirjam Zadoff

Holocaust as an Interdisciplinary Tapestry series: Memory Studies: Museums and Memorials with Dr Mirjam Zadoff 

“The Holocaust as an Interdisciplinary Tapestry” is an 8 part series that engages with scholars and experts who grapple with themes related to Holocaust studies. The series explores the multifaceted discipline of Holocaust Studies through different lenses. Our experts challenge us to understand the causes, impacts, and legacies of the Holocaust.

The final lecture in the series looks at memory studies focusing on museums and memorials. Dr Mirjam Zadoff, the Director of the Munich Documentation Centre for the History of National Socialism, and lecturer at the University of Munich, will explore the relationship between memory studies and the Holocaust.

This programme is in partnership with Classrooms Without Borders, the Johannesburg Holocaust & Genocide Centre, the Ghetto Fighters’ House, Generations of the Shoah, and Liberation75.

Register here: https://cwbpgh.org/event/the-holocaust-as-an-interdisciplinary-tapestry-9/