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Jews in the Soviet Union: A Complex Narrative, Being Jewish in the Soviet Union – The Interwar Years

Jews in the Soviet Union: A Complex Narrative, Being Jewish in the Soviet Union – The Interwar Years

16 February 2025, 9pm SAST

The Ghetto Fighters’ House recently launched a new permanent exhibition, “Among the Trees – The Holocaust in the Soviet Union” that commemorates the Jews of the former Soviet Union, in the interwar years, through their shared fate under the Nazi occupation, and after the war. This series will explore these three periods and the experiences of Soviet Jewry.

The first programme will focus on the interwar years. The first speaker, Professor Elissa Bemporad, will describe the ways in which Jews endured, adjusted to, and participated in the Soviet system both as individuals and as part of a Jewish collectivity during the first decades of its existence. Our second speaker, Liat Margalit, exhibition curator at the Ghetto Fighters’ House, will talk about the challenges and dilemmas she faced while researching and developing the exhibition Among the Trees.

This programme is in partnership with the Johannesburg Holocaust & Genocide Centre, Classrooms Without Borders and the Rabin Chair Forum at George Washington University.

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