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Jewish Studies and the Holocaust

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Jewish Studies and the Holocaust

The Holocaust as an Interdisciplinary Tapestry, 6th programme: Jewish Studies and the Holocaust

“The Holocaust as an Interdisciplinary Tapestry” is an 8 part series that will engage with scholars and experts who grapple with themes related to Holocaust studies. The series will explore the multifaceted discipline of Holocaust Studies through different lenses. Our experts will challenge us to understand the causes, impacts, and legacies of the Holocaust.

The sixth lecture in this series focuses on Jewish Studies and the Holocaust. Presenting will be Prof Shirli Gilbert, the director of the Sir Martin Gilbert Learning Centre, a professor of Modern Jewish History at University College London, and the co-editor of Jewish Historical Studies. She holds a D. Phil in Modern History from the University of Oxford and was a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Society of Fellows at the University of Michigan. Her research focuses on the Holocaust and its legacies, modern Jewish identity, and Jews in South Africa.

Joining Prof Gilbert is Prof Adam Mendelsohn, director of the Kaplan Centre for Jewish Studies and Research at the University of Cape Town, and Associate Professor of History at the University of Cape Town. The Centre, the only of its kind in Africa, conducts research focused on Jews in southern Africa, past and present.

The final presenter is Prof Yael Siman, associate professor, academic coordinator of the graduate program in social and political sciences at the Iberoamerican University in Mexico City. She has a Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Chicago. She is a member of the Mexican National Council of Science and an affiliated researcher of the Centre for Advanced Genocide Research. She has investigated the displacement and migration trajectories of Holocaust survivors who immigrated to Mexico.

This programme is in partnership with Classrooms Without Borders, Johannesburg Holocaust & Genocide Centre, the Ghetto Fighters’ House, Generations of the Shoah, and Liberation75.

Register here: https://cwbpgh.org/event/the-holocaust-as-an-interdisciplinary-tapestry-7/