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In Conversation with Providence Nkurunziza

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In Conversation with Providence Nkurunziza

Join us for a webinar in honour of the 100 Days of Commemoration of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda.

Providence Nkurunziza is an author, speaker, an advocate for women and children, and a Commissioner at the Texas Holocaust Genocide and Antisemitism Advisory Commission. Five of her siblings and her parents, along with the rest of her extended family members were murdered during the 1994 Genocide against Tutsi in Rwanda in a span of about 100 days. She was only 11. She published her story in her memoir, Next Couple Hours. As a survivor, Providence considers it her responsibility to bear witness to the atrocities of genocide. She wants to save the next generation from falling into the same trap of experiencing such sinister events, as nobody is immune to genocide. She considers it a privilege to share the stories of the well lived lives of her entire family, as well as all those families, who were completely wiped out with no one to remember them.  She does all with a thankful heart to preserve their memory and restore their values.  She believes silence is complicity in the face of such atrocities and terror. As an advocate, she is also proud to be a voice for women survivors living with HIV/AIDS and other long-term illnesses contracted through rape and other violence during the genocide. Providence has spoken at the United Nations Headquarters in Geneva, New York, and Vienna, the Swedish parliament, three of the four Holocaust museums in Texas, Universities, Holocaust centres and Synagogues in New Jersey and New York. She was recently one of the 4 honourees at the Wagner College for leadership in Holocaust, Genocide and Anti Bias Education for the 81st anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising and the 30th Genocide against Tutsi in Rwanda. She is attending an intensive program on fighting antisemitism in Oxford, UK starting in July 2024.

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