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Closed Event for members only: The legalities behind the crimes: war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide

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Closed Event for members only: The legalities behind the crimes: war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide

The JHGC invites members to this informative workshop, facilitated by the JHGC Education and Research Specialist, Dr Mispa Roux. She will explore the legal definitions and various elements of the three core international crimes listed in the title. Against the backdrop of international criminal law, Dr Roux will draw on examples of prosecution efforts at international criminal courts and tribunals. The aim of the workshop is to equip participants with a better understanding of the relevant law behind terminology used, in the context of both historic, and ongoing global mass atrocities.

Dr Mispa Roux joined the JHGC in April 2024 as an Education and Research Specialist in the fields of international criminal, human rights, and humanitarian law. Before joining the JHGC, Mispa was a senior lecturer at the Law Faculty of the University of Johannesburg, and a project coordinator at the University of Pretoria’s Centre for Human Rights. Mispa’s research and writing concentrate and analyse early warning indicators of genocide and crimes against humanity, the prevention and prosecution hereof, the question of state responsibility for these crimes, as well as methods that may achieve justice for victims of international crimes.

Members can RSVP to dowi@jhbholocaust.co.za to receive the registration link. Become a member for only R360 a year by clicking here, after which you can email dowi@jhbholocaust.co.za for the registration link.